By United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) mandate, the International Volunteer Day (IVD)[1] is celebrated annually on 5 December with the aim of celebrating volunteers and organisations efforts, promote their values and disseminate their work. The focus of the IVD 2019 is “Volunteers for an Inclusive Future” in order to highlight the role of volunteers in raising awareness, inspiring others and achieving the SDGs.
“Achieving #SDGs depends on empowerment, inclusion & equality of all people. Volunteer action widens spaces for engagement, including for remote & marginalized populations.” (UN Volunteer Programme)
There are many types of volunteering: skills-based, in developing countries, virtual, on learning programmes and schools, on environment, in an emergency, corporate and community based. Volunteers also play a key role in the implementation of social and third sectors organisations by implementing projects, involving communities, and supporting dissemination among many other tasks. Volunteers might work at the local as the international areas.
With the aim of celebrating the International Volunteer Day, Dialogue Café Évora lead by Eugenio de Almeida Foundation and Dialogue Café members in Cidade de Praia, Novi Pazar and Lisbon will organise a session on volunteering with the aim of celebrating volunteer effort and recognising their contribution to communities and the society. With this purpose, volunteers will be invited to participate in this session and share with us their views, motivations and experiences. During the session we will also discover the existing opportunities for volunteering and how beneficial can be to volunteer as well as will be invited to discuss the following questions, but not limited to:
- Why did you decide to volunteer?
- Advantages get with volunteering?
- Share your best volunteering experience
- How can we promote volunteering among the youngest generations? What about elder generations?
Participation is free and open!
Inês Gonçalves, Eugénio de Almeida Foundation Volunteering ProgrammeRaquel Alexandre, VolunteerJoana Good da Silva, Volunteer Hamilton da CruzClara Matos, VolunteerMaria João Tomé, Volunteer
Drº José Tavares, Refood ÉvoraNuno Rosmaninho, Humanitarian Centre of Évora – Cruz Vermelha (Red Cross)
Dialogue Café Lisbon (Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation)
Maria do Rosário Nunes, Regional Direction, Portuguese Institute of Sport and Youth, Lisbon Youth Centre
Dialogue Café Novi Pazar (Centar Duga)
Haris Imamović, Dialogue Novi Pazar TeamAmila Sarenkapic, Volunteer at Centar Duga